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Below are numbers and links to different charities. You don't have to be at your whit's end to reach out for help, they are there for anyone in need of support.


This source of help doesn't need to be a last resort. They can provide support to anyone in distress, having difficulties coping or at risk of suicide, in the UK and Ireland. 

Call their free helpline, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

116 123


Provides a free, confidential and anonymous 24/7 text service to anyone struggling to cope. They also have a huge range of resources on their website.



Offers confidential support and advice to children and young people under the age of 35 who are struggling with thoughts of suicide. It also offers advice for those who are concerned about a young person. 

0800 068 41 41

Ask Twice - Time to change

It can be difficult not only to ask for help but to know how to help a friend you think might be suffering. The Ask Twice campaign has some helpful tips about how to support someone who opens up and how to encourage talk.

Support After Suicide

The Suicide After Suicide Partnership is a network of bereavement support organisations locally and nationally. The partnership aims to support


Dedicated to increasing awareness and understanding of depression. They have an extensive list of resources and support links on their website.

Instagram accounts that support and explore grief and loss









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